The founder, David Munson Jr, is described as a visionary and inventor in the field of agriculture. He has successfully tripled production on his ranch by implementing comprehensive soil testing and adding trace elements to the soil. Munson highlights the problem of demineralization in the world’s soils, which leads to inadequate support for healthy plant life.
Munson introduces his program, the Get Real Alliance, as a solution to achieve carbon negativity while continuing to use oil and gas. He proposes revitalizing both the Earth’s land and sea to enhance natural photosynthesis, effectively absorbing carbon dioxide emissions. He criticizes climate change proposals that disregard emissions from countries like China and India while advocating for drastic changes that could disrupt modern lifestyles.
According to Munson, the Get Real Alliance program can sequester all carbon emissions within a timeframe of less than 30 years by restoring the Earth’s soil. He encourages individuals interested in making a positive impact to watch his video documentary series, titled “Get Real: A Positive Solution to Climate Change,” and explore his book for further insights into his solutions for achieving carbon negativity. Munson also underscores the importance of increasing food production, fostering fertile forests, and preserving habitats while addressing the expansion of deserts worldwide.
The Sustainable Journey
Take a behind-the-scenes tour of Local Yocal, the brainchild of owner Matt Hamilton. Nestled in the heart of McKinney’s downtown district in Texas, Local Yocal has made a remarkable journey from its modest origins. In addition to steering a thriving business, Matt Hamilton remains steadfast in Local Yocal’s commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.
A Digital Series Based on the Book Get Real

It’s time to Get Real about what’s happening in the soil we walk on, in the air we breathe, and on the grid we get our power from, in order to reverse climate change, as well as promote the health of our planet.

Soil is mysterious and miraculous. It’s time to get serious about restoring the health of our soils and how we can best remineralize them.

The carbon cycle is essential to all life on this Earth. Life can exist without oxygen but not without carbon.

How might we humans, as a species, better work with Mother Nature, instead of against her? We must learn how because rising CO₂ levels now pose a real threat to our planet.

Quite simply, finely ground rock dust from many available sources has a broad spectrum of minerals and trace elements that are essential for life on

Grass is an unusual plant. Unlike trees, they’re not designed to grow for a long time, but in spurts of growth before becoming mature.

Episode 7. Forests and Oceans (coming Soon)
There’s a real link, an ancient symbiosis between trees & seas that makes a timeless dance within water and carbon cycles.

Just because something worked in the past doesn’t mean it was the best way to do things or that it should continue indefinitely into the future.