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Episode 6. Grasslands
About The Episode In this episode, we delve into the unique characteristics of grass and its potential to address global challenges. Grass’s growth pattern, with new growth replacing old parts, allows sunlight to reach the fresh growth. Grasslands are crucial for carbon sequestration as they store carbon in the soil….

Episode 2. The miracle of soil life
About The Episode This episode emphasizes the critical role of soil health and the invaluable contribution of microorganisms within it. It explains the distinction between composers and decomposers in soil and their impact on nutrient availability for plants. The episode draws attention to the diminishing nutrient density in modern agriculture…

Episode 4. The Wonders of biochar
About The Episode In this episode, the importance of harmonious collaboration between humans and nature is emphasized. The growing concerns of rising CO2 levels and the depletion of Earth’s resources are discussed. Farmers are recognized as crucial participants in mitigating climate change, and the adoption of biochar is encouraged as…